Listado de puertos tcp/udp y su uso (servicios asignados)

En este sitio web hay una lista de los servicios que comúnmente utilizan cada uno de los puertos disponibles.

La lista va desde el puerto 1 hasta el 65535. Adjunto ficheros de descarga por si os interesa guardarlos como recurso:

Listado de puertos (CSV)

Asignación de puertos según

Unos cuantos ejemplos:

Port No. Protocol Service Description
0 tcp/udp # Reserved
1 tcp/udp tcpmux TCP Port Service Multiplexer
1 udp # Sockets des Troie
2 tcp/udp compressnet Management Utility
2 tcp # Death
3 tcp/udp compressnet Compression Process
3 tcp/udp compressnet Midnight Commander
Sometimes this program is assigned to this port
4 tcp/udp # Unassigned
4 tcp # Self-Certifying File System(SFS)
sfssd acceps connections on TCP port 4 and
passes them to the appropriate SFS daemon.
SFS is a secure, global file system with
completely decentralized control. SFS uses
NFS 3 as the underlying protocol for file access.
4 tcp # Midnight Commander
Sometimes this program is assigned to this prot
5 tcp/udp rje Remote Job Entry
6 tcp/udp # Unassigned
7 tcp/udp echo Echo
8 tcp/udp # Unassigned
9 tcp/udp discard Discard
10 tcp/udp # Unassigned
11 tcp/udp systat Active Users
12 tcp/udp # Unassigned
13 tcp/udp daytime Daytime (RFC 867)
14 tcp/udp # Unassigned
15 tcp # Unassigned [was netstat]
15 tcp/udp # Unassigned
17 tcp/udp qotd Quote of the Day
18 tcp/udp msp Message Send Protocol
19 tcp/udp chargen Character Generator
20 tcp/udp ftp-data File Transfer [Default Data]
20 tcp # Randex
21 tcp/udp ftp File Transfer [Control]
21 tcp # Back Construction, Blade Runner,
Cattivik FTP Server, CC Invader,
Dark FTP,
Doly Trojan, Fore, Invisible FTP,
Juggernaut 42, Larva,
MotIv FTP,
Net Administrator, Ramen,
Senna Spy FTP server, The Flu,
Traitor 21,
WebEx, WinCrash, W32.Mytob, W32.Bobax,
22 tcp/udp ssh SSH Remote Login Protocol
22 tcp # Shaft
22 udp # pcAnywhere(Used in older versions,
though newer version still use it for
backwards compatibility.)
23 tcp/udp telnet Telnet
23 tc # Fire HacKer, Tiny Telnet Server – TTS,
Truva Atl, MindControl, Dagonit
24 tcp/udp # any private mail system
25 tcp/udp smtp Simple Mail Transfer