# rm-rf.es

Cómo restaurar un backup de Oracle VM Manager 3.1.1

Si ayer veíamos la forma de hacer un backup de Oracle VM Manager 3.1.1 hoy toca la otra parte, restaurarlo. El backup consta del esquema de la base de datos y el fichero de configuración de Oracle VM Manager. Este procedimiento únicamente sirve si no queremos reinstalar la aplicación sino restaurar las configuraciones de la misma. Para reinstalar la aplicación tendríais que seguir el proceso de instalación normal pero especificando el uuid original. Después de haberlo instalado podríais comenzar con este procedimiento.

En principio, según el funcionamiento del VM Manager 3.1.1 no tendría porqué ser necesario restaurar el esquema en una instalación desde 0 ya que al arrancar por primera vez y hacer un «rediscover» de todos los servidores debería restaurar automáticamente las configuraciones. No obstante, no está de más conocer el proceso.

Bien, dicho esto comenzamos la restauración. Debemos parar lo primero el VM Manager:

[root@oraclevmm ~]# /etc/init.d/ovmm stop
Stopping Oracle VM Manager                                 [  OK  ]

Al igual que al generar el backup, cambiamos de root al usuario oracle y asignamos las variables de entorno correspondientes:

[root@oraclevmm ~]# su - oracle
[oracle@oraclevmm ~]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
[oracle@oraclevmm ~]$ export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
[oracle@oraclevmm ~]$ export ORACLE_SID=ovm

Después accedemos al sqlplus de Oracle y recreamos el usuario ovs:

[oracle@oraclevmm ~]$ sqlplus system/password

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Sep 21 09:27:40 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production

SQL> drop user ovs cascade;

User dropped.

SQL> create user ovs identified by password;

User created.

SQL> grant connect, resource to ovs;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> exit;
Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production

Y finalmente restauramos el dump del esquema ovs que generamos al hacer el backup:

[oracle@oracle-linux ~]$ imp ovs/password file=/home/oracle/ovsbackup.dmp full=y

Import: Release - Production on Fri Sep 21 09:31:15 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production

Export file created by EXPORT:V11.02.00 via conventional path
import done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
import server uses AL32UTF8 character set (possible charset conversion)
. importing OVS's objects into OVS
. . importing table                 "MGR_ABCSTORE"         48 rows imported
. . importing table            "MGR_ACCESSMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table   "MGR_ACTIONENGINEPROPERTIES"          1 rows imported
. . importing table            "MGR_ACTIONMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table         "MGR_ARCHIVEDONEEVENT"          6 rows imported
. . importing table           "MGR_ARCHIVEMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table     "MGR_ARCHIVESTARTINGEVENT"          6 rows imported
. . importing table            "MGR_BACKUPMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table          "MGR_BALANCERCONTROL"          1 rows imported
. . importing table                 "MGR_BONDPORT"          4 rows imported
. . importing table          "MGR_BUSINESSMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table                  "MGR_CLUSTER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table                "MGR_COHERENCE"          1 rows imported
. . importing table            "MGR_CONTROLDOMAIN"          2 rows imported
. . importing table    "MGR_CPUCOMPATIBILITYGROUP"          1 rows imported
. . importing table             "MGR_CREATEDEVENT"        389 rows imported
. . importing table       "MGR_CREATESTATISTICLOG"          0 rows imported
. . importing table             "MGR_DELETEDEVENT"         28 rows imported
. . importing table "MGR_DISCOVERENGINEPROPERTIES"          1 rows imported
. . importing table          "MGR_DISCOVERMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table          "MGR_ETHERNETNETWORK"          8 rows imported
. . importing table             "MGR_ETHERNETPORT"         16 rows imported
. . importing table    "MGR_EVENTENGINEPROPERTIES"          1 rows imported
. . importing table                 "MGR_EVENTLOG"        447 rows imported
. . importing table             "MGR_EVENTMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table "MGR_FIBRECHANNELSTORAGEARRAY"          1 rows imported
. . importing table              "MGR_FILEMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table          "MGR_FILESYSTEMMOUNT"          2 rows imported
. . importing table         "MGR_FILESYSTEMPLUGIN"          2 rows imported
. . importing table                  "MGR_FOUNDRY"          1 rows imported
. . importing table                  "MGR_HASHMAP"          3 rows imported
. . importing table       "MGR_INFORMATIONALEVENT"          2 rows imported
. . importing table              "MGR_INTERNALJOB"        195 rows imported
. . importing table             "MGR_INTERNALPORT"          2 rows imported
. . importing table        "MGR_INTERNALSYSTEMLOG"          2 rows imported
. . importing table        "MGR_ISCSISTORAGEARRAY"          1 rows imported
. . importing table    "MGR_ISCSISTORAGEINITIATOR"          2 rows imported
. . importing table         "MGR_ISCSISTORAGEPATH"         26 rows imported
. . importing table       "MGR_ISCSISTORAGETARGET"         13 rows imported
. . importing table                 "MGR_ITERATOR"         10 rows imported
. . importing table            "MGR_JOBABORTEVENT"          5 rows imported
. . importing table     "MGR_JOBCONSTRUCTINGEVENT"        206 rows imported
. . importing table             "MGR_JOBDONEEVENT"        150 rows imported
. . importing table          "MGR_JOBFAILUREEVENT"         40 rows imported
. . importing table     "MGR_JOBROLLBACKDONEEVENT"         40 rows imported
. . importing table         "MGR_JOBROLLBACKEVENT"         40 rows imported
. . importing table          "MGR_JOBRUNNINGEVENT"        191 rows imported
. . importing table               "MGR_LINKEDLIST"        392 rows imported
. . importing table          "MGR_LOCALFILESERVER"          2 rows imported
. . importing table          "MGR_LOCALFILESYSTEM"          1 rows imported
. . importing table        "MGR_LOCALSTORAGEARRAY"          2 rows imported
. . importing table    "MGR_LOCALSTORAGEINITIATOR"          2 rows imported
. . importing table      "MGR_LOGENGINEPROPERTIES"          1 rows imported
. . importing table               "MGR_LOGMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table                 "MGR_LOGSTORE"          2 rows imported
. . importing table    "MGR_MODELENGINEPROPERTIES"          1 rows imported
. . importing table             "MGR_MODELMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table  "MGR_NETWORKSELECTIONMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table        "MGR_OBJECTCHANGEEVENT"        100 rows imported
. . importing table            "MGR_PATHDOWNEVENT"         26 rows imported
. . importing table              "MGR_PATHUPEVENT"         26 rows imported
. . importing table           "MGR_POOLFILESYSTEM"          1 rows imported
. . importing table            "MGR_PORTDOWNEVENT"         73 rows imported
. . importing table              "MGR_PORTUPEVENT"         66 rows imported
. . importing table                "MGR_PROCESSOR"         48 rows imported
. . importing table               "MGR_PROPERTIES"         18 rows imported
. . importing table     "MGR_QUEUEDJOBCREATEEVENT"          1 rows imported
. . importing table      "MGR_RASENGINEPROPERTIES"          1 rows imported
. . importing table               "MGR_RASMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table               "MGR_REPOSITORY"          1 rows imported
. . importing table           "MGR_RESTOREMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table              "MGR_ROLESERVICE"          1 rows imported
. . importing table         "MGR_ROOTSTATISTICLOG"          1 rows imported
. . importing table    "MGR_RULESENGINEPROPERTIES"          1 rows imported
. . importing table             "MGR_RULESMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table "MGR_SCHEDULABLETASKPROPERTIES"          8 rows imported
. . importing table                   "MGR_SERVER"          2 rows imported
. . importing table "MGR_SERVERCLUSTERSTATEDOWNEVEN"         19 rows imported
. . importing table "MGR_SERVERCLUSTERSTATEUPEVENT"         15 rows imported
. . importing table "MGR_SERVERDISCONNECTERROREVENT"         32 rows imported
. . importing table  "MGR_SERVERDISCOVERSCANEVENT"        162 rows imported
. . importing table         "MGR_SERVERERROREVENT"          3 rows imported
. . importing table       "MGR_SERVERNOTIFICATION"         26 rows imported
. . importing table       "MGR_SERVEROFFLINEEVENT"         25 rows imported
. . importing table               "MGR_SERVERPOOL"          1 rows imported
. . importing table "MGR_SERVERPOOLMASTERMISSINGEVE"          5 rows imported
. . importing table       "MGR_SERVERRUNNINGEVENT"         49 rows imported
. . importing table   "MGR_SERVERSELECTIONMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table      "MGR_SERVERSTARTINGEVENT"         25 rows imported
. . importing table       "MGR_SERVERSTOPPEDEVENT"         51 rows imported
. . importing table      "MGR_SERVERSTOPPINGEVENT"          1 rows imported
. . importing table "MGR_SERVERYUMREPOSITORYINFORMA"          1 rows imported
. . importing table      "MGR_SEVERITYCHANGEEVENT"          9 rows imported
. . importing table         "MGR_STATISTICMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table      "MGR_STATISTICSUBJECTLOG"          3 rows imported
. . importing table         "MGR_STATISTICTYPELOG"         41 rows imported
. . importing table       "MGR_STORAGEARRAYPLUGIN"          1 rows imported
. . importing table           "MGR_STORAGEELEMENT"         13 rows imported
. . importing table  "MGR_STORAGESELECTIONMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table     "MGR_TASKENGINEPROPERTIES"          1 rows imported
. . importing table              "MGR_TASKMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table                  "MGR_TREEMAP"        195 rows imported
. . importing table                "MGR_TREESTORE"       1077 rows imported
. . importing table                     "MGR_USER"          4 rows imported
. . importing table              "MGR_USERACCOUNT"          4 rows imported
. . importing table                "MGR_USERSTORE"          1 rows imported
. . importing table             "MGR_VIRTUALCDROM"          3 rows imported
. . importing table              "MGR_VIRTUALDISK"          1 rows imported
. . importing table           "MGR_VIRTUALMACHINE"          1 rows imported
. . importing table    "MGR_VIRTUALMACHINECFGFILE"          1 rows imported
. . importing table "MGR_VIRTUALMACHINEDISCONNECTER"          7 rows imported
. . importing table "MGR_VIRTUALMACHINEOFFLINEEVENT"          5 rows imported
. . importing table "MGR_VIRTUALMACHINERUNNINGEVENT"         15 rows imported
. . importing table "MGR_VIRTUALMACHINESTARTINGEVEN"         12 rows imported
. . importing table "MGR_VIRTUALMACHINESTOPPEDEVENT"         16 rows imported
. . importing table "MGR_VIRTUALMACHINESTOPPINGEVEN"          6 rows imported
. . importing table            "MGR_VMDISKMAPPING"          2 rows imported
. . importing table       "MGR_VMSELECTIONMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table                     "MGR_VNIC"          5 rows imported
. . importing table              "MGR_VNICMANAGER"          1 rows imported
. . importing table    "MGR_VNICMANAGERPROPERTIES"          1 rows imported
. . importing table              "MGR_VOLUMEGROUP"          4 rows imported
. . importing table            "MGR_XENHYPERVISOR"          2 rows imported
. . importing table              "ODOF_ID_TO_TYPE"       4537 rows imported
. . importing table              "ODOF_NOT_TABLED"          0 rows imported
. . importing table          "ODOF_SYS_PROPERTIES"          2 rows imported
. . importing table           "ODOF_TYPE_TO_CLASS"        123 rows imported
Import terminated successfully without warnings.

Ya sólo queda iniciar de nuevo Oracle VM Manager y verificar que todo es correcto:

[oracle@oraclevmm ~]$ logout
[root@oraclevmm ~]# /etc/init.d/ovmm start
Starting Oracle VM Manager                               [  OK  ]
Salir de la versión móvil