Hacemos entonces en primera instancia una copia del fichero de configuración (/u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/.config), lo podéis guardar en cualquier sitio, lo importante es disponer de estos datos si fuera necesaria una reinstalación del Manager:
[root@oraclevmm]# cat /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/.config DBHOST=oraclevmm SID=ovm LSNR=1521 APEX=None OVSSCHEMA=ovs WLSADMIN=weblogic OVSADMIN=admin COREPORT=54321 UUID=0003Va00000100000332c8d9sbafdf12g BUILDID=
Una vez guardado, tenemos que parar temporalmente Oracle VM Manager para poder tener una copia consistente de la base de datos:
[root@oraclevmm]# /etc/init.d/ovmm stop Stopping Oracle VM Manager [ OK ]
El siguiente paso es hacer su contra el usuario oracle:
[root@oraclevmm]# su - oracle [oracle@oraclevmm ~]$
Ahora preparamos las variables de oracle para ejecutar el dump de la base de datos. Básicamente tenemos que especificar el PATH al HOME de oracle (ORACLE_HOME), añadirlo al PATH y exportar el SID. Si habéis instalado la base de datos Oracle en otra ruta debéis adecuarlo:
[oracle@oraclevmm ~]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1 [oracle@oraclevmm ~]$ export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH [oracle@oraclevmm ~]$ export ORACLE_SID=ovm
Finalmente exportamos el esquema con el siguiente comando, en el que hay que especificar el nombre del esquema y la password del usuario administrador del mismo (ovs/password). También indicamos la ruta en la que volcar el dump/backup y el nombre:
[oracle@oraclevmm ~]$ exp ovs/password grants=y compress=y file=/home/oracle/ovsbackup-2012-09-20.dmp Export: Release - Production on Thu Sep 20 14:53:08 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production Export done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set server uses AL32UTF8 character set (possible charset conversion) . exporting pre-schema procedural objects and actions . exporting foreign function library names for user OVS . exporting PUBLIC type synonyms . exporting private type synonyms . exporting object type definitions for user OVS About to export OVS's objects ... . exporting database links . exporting sequence numbers . exporting cluster definitions . about to export OVS's tables via Conventional Path ... . . exporting table MGR_ABCSTORE 48 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_ACCESSMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_ACTIONENGINEPROPERTIES 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_ACTIONMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_ARCHIVEDONEEVENT 6 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_ARCHIVEMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_ARCHIVESTARTINGEVENT 6 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_BACKUPMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_BALANCERCONTROL 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_BONDPORT 4 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_BUSINESSMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_CLUSTER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_COHERENCE 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_CONTROLDOMAIN 2 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_CPUCOMPATIBILITYGROUP 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_CREATEDEVENT 389 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_CREATESTATISTICLOG 0 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_DELETEDEVENT 28 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_DISCOVERENGINEPROPERTIES 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_DISCOVERMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_ETHERNETNETWORK 8 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_ETHERNETPORT 16 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_EVENTENGINEPROPERTIES 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_EVENTLOG 447 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_EVENTMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_FIBRECHANNELSTORAGEARRAY 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_FILEMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_FILESYSTEMMOUNT 2 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_FILESYSTEMPLUGIN 2 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_FOUNDRY 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_HASHMAP 3 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_INFORMATIONALEVENT 2 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_INTERNALJOB 195 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_INTERNALPORT 2 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_INTERNALSYSTEMLOG 2 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_ISCSISTORAGEARRAY 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_ISCSISTORAGEINITIATOR 2 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_ISCSISTORAGEPATH 26 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_ISCSISTORAGETARGET 13 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_ITERATOR 10 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_JOBABORTEVENT 5 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_JOBCONSTRUCTINGEVENT 206 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_JOBDONEEVENT 150 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_JOBFAILUREEVENT 40 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_JOBROLLBACKDONEEVENT 40 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_JOBROLLBACKEVENT 40 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_JOBRUNNINGEVENT 191 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_LINKEDLIST 392 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_LOCALFILESERVER 2 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_LOCALFILESYSTEM 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_LOCALSTORAGEARRAY 2 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_LOCALSTORAGEINITIATOR 2 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_LOGENGINEPROPERTIES 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_LOGMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_LOGSTORE 2 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_MODELENGINEPROPERTIES 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_MODELMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_NETWORKSELECTIONMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_OBJECTCHANGEEVENT 100 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_PATHDOWNEVENT 26 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_PATHUPEVENT 26 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_POOLFILESYSTEM 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_PORTDOWNEVENT 73 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_PORTUPEVENT 66 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_PROCESSOR 48 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_PROPERTIES 18 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_QUEUEDJOBCREATEEVENT 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_RASENGINEPROPERTIES 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_RASMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_REPOSITORY 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_RESTOREMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_ROLESERVICE 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_ROOTSTATISTICLOG 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_RULESENGINEPROPERTIES 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_RULESMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_SCHEDULABLETASKPROPERTIES 8 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_SERVER 2 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_SERVERCLUSTERSTATEDOWNEVEN 19 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_SERVERCLUSTERSTATEUPEVENT 15 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_SERVERDISCONNECTERROREVENT 32 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_SERVERDISCOVERSCANEVENT 162 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_SERVERERROREVENT 3 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_SERVERNOTIFICATION 26 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_SERVEROFFLINEEVENT 25 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_SERVERPOOL 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_SERVERPOOLMASTERMISSINGEVE 5 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_SERVERRUNNINGEVENT 49 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_SERVERSELECTIONMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_SERVERSTARTINGEVENT 25 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_SERVERSTOPPEDEVENT 51 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_SERVERSTOPPINGEVENT 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_SERVERYUMREPOSITORYINFORMA 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_SEVERITYCHANGEEVENT 9 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_STATISTICMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_STATISTICSUBJECTLOG 3 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_STATISTICTYPELOG 41 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_STORAGEARRAYPLUGIN 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_STORAGEELEMENT 13 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_STORAGESELECTIONMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_TASKENGINEPROPERTIES 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_TASKMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_TREEMAP 195 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_TREESTORE 1077 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_USER 4 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_USERACCOUNT 4 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_USERSTORE 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_VIRTUALCDROM 3 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_VIRTUALDISK 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_VIRTUALMACHINE 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_VIRTUALMACHINECFGFILE 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_VIRTUALMACHINEDISCONNECTER 7 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_VIRTUALMACHINEOFFLINEEVENT 5 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_VIRTUALMACHINERUNNINGEVENT 15 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_VIRTUALMACHINESTARTINGEVEN 12 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_VIRTUALMACHINESTOPPEDEVENT 16 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_VIRTUALMACHINESTOPPINGEVEN 6 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_VMDISKMAPPING 2 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_VMSELECTIONMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_VNIC 5 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_VNICMANAGER 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_VNICMANAGERPROPERTIES 1 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_VOLUMEGROUP 4 rows exported . . exporting table MGR_XENHYPERVISOR 2 rows exported . . exporting table ODOF_ID_TO_TYPE 4537 rows exported . . exporting table ODOF_NOT_TABLED 0 rows exported . . exporting table ODOF_SYS_PROPERTIES 2 rows exported . . exporting table ODOF_TYPE_TO_CLASS 123 rows exported . exporting synonyms . exporting views . exporting stored procedures . exporting operators . exporting referential integrity constraints . exporting triggers . exporting indextypes . exporting bitmap, functional and extensible indexes . exporting posttables actions . exporting materialized views . exporting snapshot logs . exporting job queues . exporting refresh groups and children . exporting dimensions . exporting post-schema procedural objects and actions . exporting statistics Export terminated successfully without warnings.
Una vez terminado ya tenemos el backup. Cerramos la shell de oracle y volvemos a root para arrancar de nuevo ovmm:
[root@oraclevmm]# /etc/init.d/ovmm start Starting Oracle VM Manager [ OK ]
En este otro artículo podéis ver el proceso de restauración de este backup: